The House

This Poem is from the book «Friends Forever.»

The House
I could tell just by entering the house that it had known much laughter and tears.
The estate agent informed me that it had been empty for many years.

It was a lovely old house that seemed to welcome me, it stood in it’s own grounds.
I told the estate agent that while I was waiting for him I heard barking dogs unmistakable sounds.

He said «how strange» and he looked puzzled, I said «Strange» and I asked him why.
He said «there are no neighbours or dogs for miles, nobody lives close by.»

He added that the last owners of the house once had four Bearded Collies who would bark and play all day.
«But that was years ago» he said, «sadly all of them, dogs and owners have long since passed away.»

The barking that I heard had come from the back of the house, I looked out of the window in this direction.
Among the overgrown weeds and grass I saw four Beardies standing there, canine perfection.

They were looking up at me projecting so much love, tails wagging like a beautiful welcome sign.
Something told me in that mystical moment that this house just had to be mine.

«Look» I said to the estate agent, «there are four Bearded Collies there.»
But as he got to the window and looked out they vanished into thin air.

He looked at me as If I was mad, he asked me if I was OK.
Although I was confused, I made an excuse, I said «I’m sorry, sometimes my imagination runs away.»

Fact is, I know what I saw, my eyesight is good, my vision was clear.
I felt that they wanted me to stay, they made me feel safe and welcome here.

I was beginning to like every part of this house, each moment I liked it more.
The estate agent said, «feel free to wander around alone, view it thoroughly» he said, «explore.»

I viewed the whole house then went into the garden which was once lovely but was now overgrown.
In a far corner I found a little plot, it had been fenced off on it’s own.

Inside the plot ther were four small graves, each had a cross with a little frame.
In each frame was a photo of a beautiful Beardie, on each cross was a Beardie’s name.

I was so touched by this moment, I felt tears running down my face.
Crying for dogs that I never even knew, it’s only human I suppose, no disgrace.

The agent and I agreed a price for the house, then just before I drove away.
I took a photo of the front of the house, that photo still baffles experts to this day.

On the path that leads to the front porch sit four transparent Bearded Collie’s in a row.
Proof that even when they leave us, they stay with us and never really go.

J.D.O’BRIEN (The Poem Man.)

May the Beardie Bounce be with you always and may all your good dreams come true.

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